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Let AI write emails for you โœจ

Amazing Features ๐Ÿ”ฅ

Write Full Emails

Just throw in what the Email is about, and watcht the AI formulate it perfectly for you!

Finding Subject Lines

Can't think of a snappy subject line for your email? The AI will read the email and give you 3 suggestions

Replying to Emails

Throw in the orginal email and an instruction for the reply. The AI will formulate a perfect response based on and referencing the original mail.

Grammar Checker

Write down your thoughts and the app do the spellchecking for you.

Next Gen AI

Trained on 45 TB of text data points, millions of emails

Summarise long Emails

Long and complex texts get summarised in a matter of seconds.

A simple tool that will change the way you write emails. ๐Ÿ’Œ

Save multiple hours per week by outsourcing tedious email tasks to our AI

Available as Chrome Extension for Gmail

Download for Windows

Spend time on what really matters ๐Ÿ˜‡

Speed up annoying writing chores and focus on creative tasks instead!

No credit card needed! Generate 10 emails per day for free!

Customize the tone of voice that is used when generating emails.

User Feedback ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ

This email application is an absolute lifesaver! I love how quickly it can formulate emails based on just a couple of bullet points and it saves me so much time!

Floyd M.

I'm amazed at how the application can produce creative subject lines for my emails. It's like having an AI assistant helping me out!

Alexandra D.

The summarisation feature is fantastic. I no longer have to read through long emails, the application does it all for me in just a few seconds!

Marcus M.

Letterbot AI in numbers ๐ŸŽ–๏ธ

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The software uses places your input into an AI that has been specifically trained to formulate emails. It has seen millions of emails and knows the do's and don't better than most humans.

Yes, it is free to use. Since AI requires considerable computing power, we have set a limit of 10 requests per day. If you are a heavy email user, you can purchase a Basic or Professional plan to get more requests per day.

Yes, since the Ai requires a lot of computing power it is most efficient to run it in the cloud.

We are working on adding more languages to be supported. We are working on a chrome extension, to be able to use the software directly inside of email clients like Gmail.

You can use the uninstaller built into Windows 11, and Windows 10. 1. Open the Start Menu. 2. Click Settings. 3. Click Apps. 4. Select Apps & features from the left-hand side menu. 5. Select Letterbot AI from the list that appears. 6. Click the uninstall button that shows under the selected program or app.